
Friday, March 23, 2012

Dear Fakes,

okay so I love role-playing but I HATE it when people put on an act to impress someone else.

Today I had another person say they had number dyslexia cause they heard I had it... IT'S NOT COOL so when you find a person BRAGGING about it, they probobly don't have it. If they did they'd know it wasn't cool and they'd try to hide it as best they could. Most people with number and reading dyslexia, people like me, don't realise thats what it is till they're older when it's too late to go to school to get help to work it out or learn how to work around it.

Another thing that people fake about that I have and fake cause I have it is being Anemic. Thats crazy! Why would somone want to pretend to be anemic?! IT's FREAKIN SCARRY TO BE ANEMIC! having to think "Did I eat today?" cause your body needs exstra energy to make blood. Or passing out horse back riding cause you had riden for to long and skipped lunch(happened to me).

I take it as an insulte for people to PRETEND to be me by copying my problums. it isn't cool to go through what I go through. And it isn't "Fun" to pretend to have problums just cause you find out somone else has them.4

My advise- If you think you're boring and you find the person your talking to is "interesting" Don't lie, be yourself, they might find you fun, It's a real change to find a NORMAL person when you're different and is usualy quiet a gift.

Also If nothing is wronge with you physically or mentally I'd say that is a blessing, why ruin it with lies?

Go pretend to be Bella Swan, I hear she has romance problums. (Like she fell for Edward.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

been awhile huh? :SONGS:

This entery is dedicated to music, I know... I did one for music already. But that one was for the musician. this one is for the constent flow of notes and sounds, the ever graceful or stressed cords that flow into patterns for our enjoyment.

Okay So I've been listining to WAY too much music, and you know, there is no such thing, since where ever you are there are sounds and natural music being made. okay...

Weather it's POP, Rock, country, celtic, or some other form. Music has been laced and threaded into our history, the world's history, and it will always remain as a big part as adventures and stories of heros, while details of heros' stories might fade, the lyrics and words of songs will forever be writen on paper or in someone's head.

LoL I sound sooo dorky XD

Ok, going to relax a bit and write somthing for me now... A little update...
I've been listining to music and learning how to play some too... I resently learned the song IRON MAN By BLACK SABATH and might I say, it's rather easy... X)

Oh! I don't know if I told you in a different entery or not XP Sorry...
I play Guitar and keybored.
There. I told you. So now you know. X)

Uhhhhm... I'm working on a Youtube channel but I have no clue weather or not I'll be putting VidBlogs on it or just goofying around with my friends X3 la de da Somthing else for me to waste me time thinking about... Anyways, before I go and get a youtube account, I need a camera that is GOOD for videos.
We have 3 digital cameras but not one is a good video camera, they all are fuzzy and blah blah blah... Yet they were all better than my actual video camera I sold on Ebay for $20. Lol Whoever bought it, sorry, I needed the money and I have no clue what my dad said in the description. XD

der der der... I got nothin else to say...


And also, I have just looked... and I have NO followers... *sigh* Disapointment.
Lol that'll change after I start making videos... I hope...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

First post of the new year!

Haha! I bet alot of you have read post about "1/1/12" saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! I bet this is the first post about "1/8/12" saying HAPPY 8 DAY!!!

lol, yeah, I forgot to post a new years post so whatever... I already broke all my new years revalutions.

they weren't verry good ones and they ment I had to get off my computer so forget'm :)

I hope ya'll holidays were good.