
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 1: 7/13/11

First Blog-
(First off let me just say how I really don't care how many read this, I'm doing this blog for me and me alone. If you read it and like it, fine, good for you, if not I'm okay with that... )

Bloggin' is easy!
In my opinion blogging is easy, just say anything you want and let your feelings flow.

If you decide you like my blogs but they need more details or if you have any suggestions then please feel free to comment!

In the middle of the movie marathon we decided to watch the mummy, the first one.
With the graphics we have now-a-days this movie looks like child's play, although it is still a good classic.
If you compare it to the new one that came out last year, the newest one has better graphics and the first has a good story line.